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Health in Jordan
Based on criteria including their place of origin and year of arrival, most of the over 2 million Palestine refugees in Jordan have been granted citizenship, and have the same access to health care as other Jordanian citizens. However, UNRWA beneficiaries who are not Jordanian citizens, such as those who emigrated from the Gaza Strip in 1967, face restrictions on their access to health care, leaving them extremely vulnerable.
In Jordan, our clinics serve more than 1.1 million people, nearly 56 per cent of the registered Palestine refugees in the country. In our 24 health care facilities, we provide over 1.9 million general consultations each year, and over 67,000 dental screenings. We also support nearly 70,000 patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), generally diabetes or hypertension.
In Figures
- Refugees accessing (served population) UNRWA health services (%/no.): %56 (1,175,021)
- Primary health care (PHC) facilities (no.): 25
- Total outpatient consultations for general doctor: 1,902,402
- Total outpatient consultations for specialist doctor: 46,777
- Average daily medical consultations / doctor: 83.6
- Total dental screening consultations (no.): 67,483
- Laboratory tests: 1,133,913
- Plain x-rays: Inside UNRWA: 2,656, Outside UNRWA: 2,212
- Health staff: 739
Family planning
- New family planning users (no.): 7,519
- Continuing family planning users at end year: 39,612
- Deliveries in health institutions (%): 99.8
Non-communicable diseases (NCD) patients registered with UNRWA
- Total 69,726
- Diabetes mellitus type I: 1,195
- Diabetes mellitus type II: 10,591
- Hypertension: 29,020
- Diabetes mellitus & hypertension: 28,920