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RSS in the West Bank
In the West Bank, RSS provides basic food supplies and cash subsides, as well as emergency cash grants and adequate shelter, to the most vulnerable Palestine refugees. In addition, we have an array of sub-programmes that focus specifically on the needs of women, refugees with disabilities, young people and the elderly.
The women’s programme offers a wide range of integrated services to enhance knowledge and capabilities, such as livelihood skills training and education. Activities include advocacy campaigns and awareness-raising sessions on domestic violence and human rights.
The disability programme collaborates with 15 Community Rehabilitation Centres throughout the West Bank. Through a community-based approach to rehabilitation, these centres help minimize social exclusion and promote opportunities for persons with disabilities.
With a West Bank staff of 169 employees, including 64 social workers, our programme has been able to reform the eligibility criteria for the social safety net and develop a new, family- and field-specific method of poverty-level determination. In 2021, we assisted 257,228 food-insecure Palestine refugees and provided emergency food assistance to over 11,129 refugee families, at an estimated cost of US$ 898,197. (delete) The programme also provides selective cash assistance and one-off cash grants for basic household needs or family emergencies. During emergencies caused by violence or political unrest, we provide other forms of direct aid, including shelter rehabilitation, which is delivered through coordination with the UNRWA Infrastructure and Camp Improvement programme.