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Winter hardship for Palestine refugees from Syria in Lebanon
Winter storms have swept across Jordan, Lebanon and Syria in the past weeks, bringing heavy rainfall, strong winds and cold temperatures to tens of thousands of refugees living in camps and makeshift shelters across the region. In Lebanon, there are over 31,500 Palestine refugees from Syria (PRS) who have escaped the war, including around 8,000 of them living in the mountainous Beqaa Valley.
UNRWA provides winterization support to all PRS through the form of cash assistance. Cash is both dignified and convenient – it helps Palestine refugees prioritize their needs according to where they live. In the mountainous regions, where temperatures are colder than at sea level, the Agency gives a one-off payment of US$ 588 to each family. Families living below 500 metres receive US$ 400 to cover the coldest months of the year.
This assistance helps PRS get by, but with over 94 per cent of the population food insecure, poverty, debt, and unemployment are hard to overcome. UNRWA suppport is therefore vital and PRS depend heavily on it, particularly on cash assistance and the provision of health care and education.