Private Partners

Our vision is to forge philanthropic partnerships which will enhance the dignity and self-sufficiency of Palestine refugees, so they thrive and achieve their full potential.

Partnerships are at the core of ensuring assistance and protection for Palestine refugees. Partnerships at UNRWA enable us to help Palestine refugees achieve their full potential and deliver on our mandate, in line with our Medium Term Strategic Plan. UNRWA has a long history of partnerships with governments of the region, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations; academia; UN agencies; international financial institutions and the private sector.

In terms of private partners, in particular, we work closely with a wide range of actors - from trusts, foundations, and multinational corporations to private individuals - to deliver the best possible services to Palestine refugees. Our collaboration with the private sector ranges from designing bespoke interventions related to education, health or social safety nets to mobilizing support for our programmes, to leveraging the assets of the private sector to advocate for the protection of Palestine refugee rights.

UNRWA partners contribute to our work by adding support to our advocacy efforts, advising on innovative best practices, lending their expertise to our programmes and mobilizing much-needed resources for our work in support of Palestine refugees. Each partnership is tailored to ensure shared value and impact.