What We Do

Our students are among the most highly educated in the region. Since the 1960s, girls have made up around half of UNRWA students.
University Scholarships

The UNRWA scholarship programme provides access to university education for young Palestine refugees who excel academically but would otherwise be unable to afford tertiary education.

Access to higher education is limited for many Palestine refugees because of their difficult socioeconomic situation. This limits their employment opportunities and their chance to improve their living conditions.

The Agency’s university scholarships contribute towards the development of a highly skilled workforce. Past university scholarship holders have gone on to hold key positions in UNRWA, host countries and Arab Gulf states, contributing to the social and economic development of the region.

Scholarships are awarded for study in a wide range of fields across the sciences, social sciences and liberal arts. Courses lasting four to six years, such as engineering, medicine are supported.

Awards are given according to academic merit and socioeconomic status.  They are renewed upon completion of each year, until students obtain their first university degree.